“ Masalah Umum Printer Canon dan solusinya”

“ Masalah Umum Printer Canon dan solusinya”  :

1. Printer main mata (Blinking), lampu indikator kedap-kedip ketika Printer dinyalakan
Biasanya penyakit ini melanda Canon iP1300, iP1600, iP1700, IP1800,iP2200,iP2700, dll.
Solusi sementara untuk mereset masalah blinking ini adalah
  • Lepaskan kabel power dari printer anda.
  • Tekan terus tombol Power, sambil anda memasang kembali kabel power.
  • Indikator power akan kelihatan menyala berwarna kuning.
  • Lepaskan tombol power, ketika anda selesai memasang kabel power.
  • Kemudian tekan lagi tombol power, untuk menyalakan printer anda.
  • Dipastikan printer anda tidak blinking lagi.

Karena solusi sementara maka ketika printer dimatikan, maka blinking ini akan muncul lagi, dan anda tinggal ulangi langkah diatas.

Solusi Software, untuk solusi yang permanen mengatasi blinking bisa menggunakan Tool Resetter Canon, yang disesuaikan dengan type printernya.

2. Blinking karena habis tinta, atau ketika selesai isi tinta.
Solusinya :
  • Tekan dan tahan tombol “Resume” selama kurang lebih 1 sampai 2 menit
  • Kemudian buka tutup atau cover printer anda.
  • Buka dulu Cartridge-nya kemudian pasang lagi
  • Tutup cover printer
  • Matikan, kemudian hidupkan kembali

3. Huruf hasil cetak putus-putus 
Coba lakukan cleaning beberapa kali, bila cara ini tidak berhasil juga, anda bersihkan catrige secara manual. Tapi berdasarkan pengalaman….catrigenya minta ganti dengan yang baru…best solusi.

4. Masalah “The waste ink absorber is almost full”, solusinya
  • Matikan printer
  • Tekan tombol resume dan kemudian tekan tombol power
  • Tekan terus tombol power dan kemudian lepaskan tombol resume
  • Tekan kembali tombol resume 2 kali berturut dan kemudian lepaskan kedua tombol(tombol resume dan tombol power)
  • Akan muncul Indikator berwarna hijau
  • Saat indikator berwarna hijau, kemudian tekan tombol resume 4 kali
  • Tekan tombol power, printer akan mati (turn off), jika tidak tekan lagi tombol power
  • Printer kembali normal

5. Masalah “ink absorber is full”, solusinya
  • Matikan printer dan cabut kabel power
  • Tekan terus tombol power (jangan dilepaskan) sambil kemudian colokan kembali kabel power
  • Saat tombol power masih ditekan dan kabel power sudah dicolokan kembali, tekantombol resume dua kali (berturut-turut)
  • Lepaskan tombol power
  • Selesai
  • Kini komputer anda akan mendeteksi sebuah Printer baru, ikuti langkah yang dimintasampai kemudian terinstal printer baru.
Sumber: http://klikblogmu.blogspot.com

 Epson Stylus Office T1100 yang biasanya lancar, hari ini bermasalah.  Penunjuk tinta  berwarna orange dan printernya mogok mencetak....

Epson Stylus Office T1100 Review

Epson Stylus Office T1100 adalah sebuah printer yang dihadirkan guna memenuhi kebutuhan cetak untuk beragam ukuran dengan kualitas prima. Epson T1100 memiliki kemampuan mencetak, mulai ukuran 4R (10,2x15,2 cm) hingga A3+ (32,9x48,3 cm), dengan kualitas tinggi. Printer ini mampu mencetak poster, grafik, dan diagram atau tabel besar pada ukuran kertas A3, sama baiknya dengan mencetak pada kertas berukuran lebih kecil.

Epson Stylus Office T1100 mampu mencetak hingga resolusi 5760x1440 dpi berkat teknologi pencetakan bersistem tetesan tinta berukuran variabel (Variable-Sized Droplet/VSDT) yang tertanam di dalam teknologi print head Epson Micro Piezo. Metode ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan hasil gradasi gambar yang sangat halus, baik untuk dokumen, foto hitam putih maupun berwarna. Tidak ketinggalan ditanamkan pula teknologi tinta DURABrite Ultra (yang membuat hasil cetak dapat bertahan lama dan tidak luntur meskipun terkena air). Epson mengklaim hasil cetak dengan tinta ini tahan pudar hingga 120 tahun lamanya.

Cara reset manual Epson Stylus Office t1100

Jika Epson Stylus Office t1100 indikasi lampunya berwarna orange...itu menandakan minta reset tintanya....mulailah googling tuch cari resetternya  dengan memasukkan keyword “resetter epson t100 free”....karena masih suka gratisan.

Sudah dapat, cobalah resetter digunakan.....
Jika tidak berhasil ...cobalah cara lain.
Caranya adalah :
  • Catridgenya semua diangkat dan dipasang kembali
  • Tekan tombol sebanyak 5 x
  • Ternyata lampu orange berubah jadi hijau...dan ...printer kembali dapat mencetak dengan lancar....

Sumber: http://klikblogmu.blogspot.com

Blok / Bagian Yang Bekerja Pada Perangkat Ponsel

Bagian Data (Operating System)

Bagian ini berfungsi sebagai Operating System yang mengolah data dan yang memberi perintah kepada seluruh bagian yang terdapat pada Ponsel.komponen yang bekerja ada beberapa bagian, antara lain adalah :




4. Keypad

5. LCD

Tugas-tugas dari CPU itu sendiri serta komponen yang membantunya :

1. IC CPU adalah pusat pengolahan data pada Pesawat Telepon Selular

2. IC CPU bekerja dibantu oleh IC RAM sebagai penyimpan Operating System / Program yang berjalan pada Ponsel.

3. IC Flash yang menyimpan data-data yang bersifat sementara,yang dapat diubah sesuai keinginan pengguna Ponsel

3. Keypad disini berfungsi memerintahkan CPU untuk melakukan proses data sesuai keinginan pengguna Ponsel

4. LCD mendapat perintah dari CPU untuk menampilkan seluruh proses yang sedang berjalan pada Ponsel.

System kerja Komponen bagian Operating System :

1. Data dimasukkan ke Ponsel melalui Program yang telah ada pada Komputer perantara kabel Flash ( untuk Flasher ) dan Kabel Data ( Untuk Apikasi )

2. Data dari Komputer yaitu PPM dan MCU masuk ke IC Flash dan IC Flash menyimpan Data PPM yang terdiri dari Menu, Aplikasi,bahasa,jenis data ini bersifat sementara dan dapat dirubah langsung oleh pengguna

3. Sedangkan data MCU dikirim ke EEPROM (Elctrically Erase Programable Read Only Memory ) yang terdiri dari Identitas Ponsel yaitu IMEI, Sec.Code dan Phone Code.

4. CPU dibantu oleh IC RAM berfungsi memproses data PPM yang ada Pada IC Flash untuk diteruskan ke IC Hardware dan ditampilkan pada Layar (LCD)dan memeriksa data Pada EEPROM sebagai Identitas Pesawat Telepon Selular untuk dapat dikenal oleh CPU.

Pada Ponsel terbaru saat ini ada beberapa IC yang digabungkan menjadi satu.Yaitu IC UEM/UAM

IC UEM Terdiri dari beberapa komponen yang telah terintegrasi, antara lain :

IC Power Supply

IC Audio

IC Charging


IC UAM (Sering disebut dengan Istilah IC QualCom~karena kebanyakan IC UAM bermerk Qualcom~ )

Terdiri dari beberapa komponen yang telah terintegrasi, antara lain :




Bagian Audio
Bagian yang bekerja pada komponen ini adalah :

IC Audio




1. IC Audio sebagai penguat getaran sinyal suara,dan sebagai perubah getaran sinyal suara menjadi getaran suara.

2. Microphone merubah getaran suara menjadi getaran sinyal suara yang akan diperkat oleh IC Audio.

System kerja Komponen bagian Audio :

1. IC Audio menerima sinyal suara dari IC RF untuk diperkuat dan diteruskan ke Loudspeaker

2. Pada Loudspeaker sinyal suara diubah menjadi getaran suara sehingga dapat didengar.

3. Microphone merubah getaran suara menjadi sinyal suara dan diteruskan ke IC Audio

4. Pada IC Audio sinyal suara diperkuat dan diteruskan ke IC RF untuk di pancarkan melalui bagian TX.

5. Fungsi CPU sebagai pengontrol dari kerja IC Audio dan mengatur kinerja IC Audio yang berbentuk data.

6. Tegangan yang masuk ke IC Audio yaitu VBB sebagai tegangan Stanby, VCOBBA sebagai tegangan input saat untuk bekerjanya seluruh bagian pada IC Audio dan Tegangan VREF sebagai detector / pengontrol tegangan yang masuk ke IC Audio.


Sumber: http://ekohasan.blogspot.com

HP LaserJet Error Messages S – Z

Message on printer display
What it means
What to do
The printer had to compress the job to fit it in available memory. Some data loss might have occurred.
1. Press GO to continue. (The print quality of these pages might not be acceptable.) Add more memory to the printer or to simplify the print job
RAM disk is protected, and no new files can be written to it.
Disable the write protection through HP JetAdmin.
The message first appears when about 15 percent of the toner is remaining in the toner cartridge (about 1,500 pages remaining for the 10,000-page cartridge and about 900 pages remaining for the 6,000- page cartridge at five percent coverage). Depending on how the printer has been configured in the configuration menu, it will either continue to print or stop.
If the printer has stopped, you can resume printing by pressing GO for each job.  The high voltage power supply could also cause this error.
The toner cartridge has run out of toner. Depending on how the printer has been configured, it will either continue to print or stop. Due to the resolution of the toner level sensor, it is possible that a small amount of toner (less than one percent) might still be present in the cartridge.
If the printer has stopped, you can resume printing by pressing GO for each job. Replace toner cartridge. The high voltage power supply could also cause this error.
The specified tray is empty, but the current job does not need this tray in order to print correctly. If this message appears and the tray contains print media, a sensor could be damaged.
1. Load the empty tray (x) to clear the message. If you do not load the specified tray, the printer will continue printing from the next available tray, and the message remains. 2. If the message remains after the specified tray is loaded, check sensor arm flags for damage and be sure they move freely. 4. Replace defective paper out sensors.
TRAY [x] LOAD [TYPE] [SIZE] where x is tray 2, 3, or 4
This message occurs for the following reasons: Tray 2, 3, or 4 was requested, but the tray is empty. Tray 2, 3, or 4 was requested, but the adjustments are not set for the requested type or size.
1. Make sure that all three paper size adjustments have been made. Also make sure that the type has been set at the control panel. 2. Load the requested media into an indicated tray. Ensure the tray is fully seated.   4. Make sure the paper tray is set for the proper size.  Also you might need to replace the cassette size PCA.
The print job has requested a size and/or type of media that is not loaded.
Load the requested print media into tray 1 (or any other desired tray). - Ensure that the trays are correctly adjusted for size. - The tray type settings (and size for tray 1) must be set from the paper-handling menu. If this message appears and the correct media is loaded: - Ensure that all paper size adjustments have been properly performed (see page 220). - Ensure the tray type setting is correct in the paper-handling menu. - Check the size tabs on the right side of the tray. - Check the size switches and paper sensors. - Ensure the tray is fully seated.
TRAY 1 SIZE = [xxxx]
The printer is asking what size of media has been loaded in tray 1.
In response, you can take either of the following actions: 1. Press SELECT to accept the paper size. 2. Press -VALUE+ to change the size and then press SELECT to accept the new size. The printer will first display the TRAY 1 TYPE = XXXX message (see the description of that message). If you do not press any buttons in the time-out period (about one minute), it displays this TRAY 1 SIZE = XXXX message. Changing the size here changes the default for tray 1 paper size in the paper-handling menu.
TRAY 1 TYPE = [xxxx]
The printer has received a job under the three following conditions: - The media type requested by the job is not available in the printer. - Tray 1 has been set for CASSETTE. - Media has been placed in tray 1 (thus triggering tray 1’s paper sensor). If you do not press any buttons, the message disappears in about one minute).
You can take either of the following actions: 1. Press SELECT to accept the paper type. 2. Press -VALUE+ to change the type and then press SELECT to select the new type. Note Changing the type here changes the default for tray 1 media type in the paper-handling menu. If you do not do anything during the time-out period (about one minute), the printer will print on the media in tray 1.
Memory or file system failures would not allow a mopy job to occur. Only one copy will be produced.
1. Reseat RAM DIMMs and/or the EIO hard disk. 2. Install additional memory or an EIO hard disk.
Memory or file system failures would not allow the print to store the job.
1. Reseat RAM DIMMs and/or the EIO hard disk. 2. Install additional memory or an EIO hard disk.
An external paper-handling device detected an unsupported media size. The printer will go offline until the condition is corrected.
Verify the media meets the supported size specifications
If the requested media size or type is not loaded, the printer asks if it should use another size or type instead.
1. Press -VALUE+ to scroll through the available types and sizes. 2. Press SELECT to accept the alternate type or size.

Sumber: http://www.printertechs.com

HP LaserJet Error Messages N - R

Message on printer display
What it means
What to do
The printer is offline
Press GO or READY or ONLINE to place the printer online.
The output bin is full and needs to be emptied.
Remove the sheets from the output bin.  Also, the output sensor could be out of alignment, or the photosensor for the output bin could be bad.
Print media is wrapped around the fuser.
1. Turn the printer off to keep the media from wrapping more firmly around the fuser. 2. Open the top cover and remove the toner cartridge. 3. Remove all the visible media. 4. Leave the printer turned off and remove the fuser to remove any remaining print media.
To ensure optimum print quality, the printer prompts the customer to have routine maintenance installed
Install the printer maintenance kit. You must reset the maintenance page count after performing printer maintenance. Note The printer maintenance kit is a consumable item and is not covered under warranty
The printer is conducting the manual cleaning-page process.
Wait for the job to finish. This can take up to 2.5 minutes.
The printer is processing a job
Wait for the job to finish. This can take several minutes for a complex print job. If the printer "hangs up" on processing a job then it could be a bad formatter board.
The RAM disk had a critical or fatal failure.
1. Reseat the RAM disk. 2. Replace the RAM disk.
The requested operation could not be performed (for example, attempting to download a file to a nonexistent directory).
1. Check the filename and directory name. 2. Reseat the RAM disk. 3. Retry the operation.
The RAM disk file system is full.
1. Delete unnecessary files and then try again, or turn the printer off, and then turn the printer on to delete all files on the device. (Delete files using HP Resource Manager or another software utility. See the software online help for more information.) 2. If the message persists, increase the size of the RAM disk. Change the RAM disk size from the configuration menu on the printer control panel. HP Resource Manager can also be used to increase or decrease the RAM disk size.

Sumber: http://www.printertechs.com

HP LaserJet Error Messages F - M

Message on printer display

What it means
What to do
The disk file system is full.
1. Delete all unnecessary files from the EIO disk and then try again. Use HP Resource Manager to download or delete files and fonts. (See the software help for more information.) 2. Advise the customer to increase the permanent storage (use a larger EIO disk or add a RAM DIMM).
The flash DIMM had a critical or fatal failure.
1. Reseat the flash DIMM and ensure it is locked into place. 2. Remove the flash DIMM and replace it with a new one. 3. The formatter could also be bad; replace formatter if needed.
The requested operation could not be performed (for example, attempting to download a file to a nonexistent directory).
1. Check the file name and the directory name. 2. Reseat the flash DIMM. 3. Retry the operation.
The flash file system is full.
Delete unnecessary files from the flash DIMM and try again. Use HP Resource Manager to download or delete files and fonts. (See the software help for more information.)
The flash DIMM is protected and no new files can be written to it.
Disable the write protection through HP Resource Manager.
The printer has detected that the toner cartridge is not a genuine HP toner cartridge because it does not see or recognize the toner cartridge’s identification (model, manufacturing date, and serial number).
1. Make sure the toner cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. A non-HP toner cartridge will produce this error. Any printer repair required as a result of using non-HP toner is not covered under the printer warranty. 2. If the HP toner cartridge is new, the Elabel (cartridge memory) is missing or has been tampered with. 3. If the HP toner cartridge is used, the printer will not recognize the cartridge until 20 pages have been printed. After 20 pages have been printed, the error message disappears. 4. If the HP toner cartridge is used, and the error message remains after 20 pages have been printed, the cartridge has previously run out of toner. Replace the toner cartridge.
An input paper-handling device has a condition that needs attention before printing can resume. 1st X = Device number in chain 2nd X= Device type (three types): 1 = Input 2 = Output 3 = Stapler/stacker unit YY = Device specific error
1. Turn the printer off. 2. Disconnect the cable to the input paper handling devices and then reconnect it. 3. Ensure the device is properly connected and any doors or paper guides are properly closed. 4. Turn the printer on. 5. See the documentation that came with the paper-handling device for assistance.
The printer is unable to print the current job because the duplexer is not installed or not inserted correctly.
1. Turn the printer power off. Install or reinsert the duplexer and ensure it is fully seated. 2. Ensure the right-angle power cord is used for the printer.
The toner cartridge has been removed and must be reinstalled for printing to continue.
Reinstall the toner cartridge and ensure it is fully seated. The high voltage power supply might also cause this error.
The printer is unable to print the current job because the specified tray [X] is open or not inserted correctly
1. Reinsert the specified tray. 2. Check for damaged tabs on the right side of the tray. 3. Check for damaged tray sensor switches in the printer. 4. Replace the PCA controller in the feeder
Programs and fonts can be stored on the printer’s file system. At startup time, these entities are loaded into RAM. (These entities can take a long time to load into RAM depending on the size and number of entities being loaded.) The specifies a sequence number indicating the current program being loaded.
Wait for the program to load
One of the following occurred: - A manual feed was requested.-There is no media in tray 1.- The wrong size of media is loaded. - The control panel is not set for the size and type of media loaded.
1. If manual feed was not what you were expecting, check your software settings. 2. Load the requested paper into manual feed tray. 3. Press GO (or READY on older printers) if the desired paper is already loaded in manual feed tray. 4. Press -VALUE+ to scroll through other available types and sizes. 5. Press SELECT to accept the alternate type or size.
There is no available memory in the printer. The current job might not print correctly and some resources (such as downloaded fonts or macros) might have been deleted.
Press GO to continue. Add more memory to the printer or to simplify the print job.
The printer changed its memory settings because it did not have enough memory to use the previous settings for I/O buffering and resource saving. This usually occurs after removing memory from the printer, adding a duplexer, or adding a printer language.
Press GO to continue. Add more memory to the printer or to simplify the print job.
The printer did not have enough free memory to print the entire job. The remainder of the job will not print and will be cleared from memory.
Press GO to continue. Add more memory to the printer or to simplify the print job.

Sumber: http://www.printertechs.com