What Causes Age Spots - 2 Causes and 2 Cures You Need to Know About

by: Marcia Kruger


What causes age spots is a question a lot of people ask themselves. If you're one of those people, you're not alone. Seeing marks on the surface of your skin that are reddish, brown, or even black in color is a little disheartening. But, there is a way to safely lose the spots!

They're called various names. Sun, liver, age spots and lentigines to list a few but you want to know what causes them and find a cure.

The two common causes: aging and excessive exposure to the sun's UV rays.

1. Aging

They are harmless, flat and ugly, but those skin discolorations usually occur on the hands, neck and face of people older than the age of 40. Yes, the aging process but you're not the only one aging. So, what causes age spots is a result of your body starting to produce less and less collagen and elastin proteins. Two vital skin proteins which gives your skin its soft and supple feel also grow older.

2. Exposure to Sun's UV Rays

Do you remember your youthful years? Those days spent frolicing at the water park and hanging out at the beach getting a tan? Good times great tan... but ugly long term effects. Yes, the second cause is the excessive exposure to the sun's harmful UV rays. You didn't notice the lentigines then, but the damage done to the skin from the UV rays resulting in a collection of melanin that accumulates over time.

However, what causes age spots can be undone. You can either have them removed by surgical procedures such as facial lasers, or use skin care bleaching creams containing hydroquinone, kojic or alpha hydroxy acid. But, the non painful and non irritating method is found in effective natural ingredients.

3. The Cures

You can stay out of the sun, apply sunscreen which blocks UVB rays and wear clothing which covers your skin. But, getting rid of your lentigines can be done using a natual skin whitening cream. Effective ingredients contained in the cream are:

Functional Keratin -- boosts your body's own regrowth of collagen and elastin.

Extrapone Nutgrass Root -- an ingredient which naturally whitens your skin and proven in clinical studies to reduce melanin by up to 40%!

Now that you know what causes age spots and the safe natural cures, your brown patches should fade naturally with continued use of the natural skin whitening cream.

Visit my website today to learn more about functional keratin, extrapone nutgrass root and the natual skin whitening cream which contains other amazing natural ingredients that erase your age spots only to give you back young, vibrant and beautiful skin naturally.

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